The Batch resource is used to create and view multiple shipments. In the asynchronous mode, after validation, each shipment is processed in a separate thread, and consequently, feedback is sent to WebHooks separately for each shipment.


The Batch resource has the following attributes:

idIntegerObject ID
statusStringShipment processing status
created_atDateTimeDate created
updated_atDateTime Date updated

Sample Batch resource in the JSON format:

  "href": "",
  "id": 16,
  "status": "done",
  "shipments": [
      "href": "",
      "id": 151,
      "status": "confirmed",
      "tracking_number": "633100159730624319900067"
      "href": "",
      "id": 150,
      "status": "confirmed",
	  "tracking_number": "633100159730624319900068"
  "created_at": "2017-06-08T14:17:25.675+02:00",
  "updated_at": "2017-06-08T14:17:25.675+02:00"


Access to the resource requires provision of the correct and valid access token.

After creating a shipment, we do not return prices for debit clients.
The rate attribute takes the null value

Creating shipments in batches

Krótki opis funkcjonalności, np. pobieranie listy paczkomatów:

POST /v1/organizations/:organization_id/batches


Możesz usunąć tę część jeśli zasób nie przyjmujemy żadnych parametrów (jako filtry lub dane wysyłane metodą POST).


Setting the parameter to true makes the offer in all shipments being selected for the stated service, but it will not be automatically paid.
Such shipment has to be paid for before the end of the offer's validity term by completing the operations  (Paying for shipment).
This parameter can also be set separately for each shipment (in such a case the parameter set in the shipment has a higher priority).

The attribute
is not

• Default



idStringRequired. Unique ID of the given shipment, which allows for returning to the user the information about any validation errors assigned to the particular shipment. The ID is not saved in the database and is not returned as an attribute of the created shipment.
......The other parameters of a simplified shipment described at  Creating a shipment in the simplified mode

The attribute is not required.

• Minimum 1

• Maximum               


Sample request

curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer token' -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{ 
  "only_choice_of_offer": false,
  "shipments": [
      "id": 1,
      "service": "inpost_locker_standard",
	  "reference": "Test",
      "custom_attributes": {
        "target_point": "KRA012"
        "template": "small"
      "receiver": {
        "company_name": "Company name 1",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "888888888",
        "address": {
          "line1": "Zawila 65L",
          "city": "Krakow",
          "post_code": "30-390",
          "country_code": "PL"
      "sender": {
       "company_name": "Company name 2",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "999999999",
        "address": {
          "line1": "Zawila 65L",
          "city": "Krakow",
          "post_code": "30-390",
          "country_code": "PL"
      "cod": {
        "amount": 1,
        "currency": "PLN"
      "insurance": {
        "amount": 23,
        "currency": "PLN"
      "id": 2,
      "service": "inpost_locker_standard",
	  "reference": "Test",
      "custom_attributes": {
        "target_point": "KRA012"
        "template": "small"
      "receiver": {
        "company_name": "Company name 1",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "888888888",
        "address": {
          "line1": "Zawila 65L",
          "city": "Krakow",
          "post_code": "30-390",
          "country_code": "PL"
      "sender": {
       "company_name": "Company name 2",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "999999999",
        "address": {
          "line1": "Zawila 65L",
          "city": "Krakow",
          "post_code": "30-390",
          "country_code": "PL"
      "cod": {
        "amount": 1,
        "currency": "PLN"
      "insurance": {
        "amount": 23,
        "currency": "PLN"


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
"href": "",
"id": 1672413,
"status": "in_progress",
"shipments": [],
"created_at": "2021-08-11T13:12:50.325+02:00",
"updated_at": "2021-08-11T13:12:50.325+02:00"

Information about errors

The server may return the following errors

  • validation_failed - validation error
  • forbidden - the action is unavailable for the token provided
  • token_invalid - the user does not have access rights to the specified organization

W przypadku trudności ze stworzeniem dokumentacji, poproś o pomoc inną osobę lub weź przykład z już istniejących :) 

Viewing batch shipments

Krótki opis funkcjonalności, np. pobieranie listy paczkomatów: 

GET /v1/batches/:id

Sample request

curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer token' -H 'content-type: application/json' 


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
  "href": "",
  "id": 16,
  "status": "done",
  "shipments": [
      "href": "",
      "id": 151,
      "status": "confirmed",
      "tracking_number": "633100159730624319900067"
      "href": "",
      "id": 150,
      "status": "confirmed",
      "tracking_number": "633100159730624319900068"
  "created_at": "2017-06-08T14:17:25.675+02:00",
  "updated_at": "2017-06-08T14:17:25.675+02:00"

Information about errors

The server may return the following errors

• resource_not_found - in the event that to the batch does not exist
• token_invalid - the user does not have access rights to the specified organization