ShipX API Changelog: Updates & Highlights

Welcome to the ShipX API Changelog page! As our platform evolves, we believe in maintaining transparency about the changes, enhancements, and fixes made to our API. This changelog provides a chronological record of most recent updates to ensure developers and partners can track modifications, understand the implications of each change, and adapt their integrations accordingly. Whether it's a new feature addition, a minor tweak, or a bug fix, you'll find all the details here. Remember to check back often, as we're constantly working to improve the ShipX experience for everyone.

Here are the changes in chronological order, starting with the most recent and going back to the oldest.

1.67.0 (2023-02-23)

  • [improvement] Changed multiple event descriptions returned from v1/statuses to better reflect the shipment journey.

  • [improvement] In case the company_name attribute is not provided during the manifestation, this attribute will now be ignored during label generation instead of placing an empty string.

  • [fix] Fixed an issue where under certain conditions, it was allowed to manifest a shipment from an APM with dimensions exceeding those that would not fit into the C size locker compartment.

  • [fix] Fixed an issue where a 500 server error was returned due to the service being unavailable under certain conditions.

  • [improvement] Expanded the list of allowed top-level domains used for the email parameter.

  • [fix] Fixed a bug that duplicated webhook communication under certain conditions.

  • [fix] Fixed an issue in the simplified shipment creation mode that threw an exception under certain conditions.

  • [fix] Fixed an issue in the batches shipment creation mode that threw an exception under certain conditions.

1.66.0 (2023-01-25)

  • [enhancement] Italian market-specific changes for event handling expansion.

1.65.0 (2023-01-24)

  • [enhancement] Enhanced the internal processes for Allegro shipment creation.

  • [enhancement] Improved the handling of Merchant data, laying the groundwork for upcoming updates to authorization and authentication systems.

  • [enhancement] Introduced new commercial product identifier for EkoBox service.

  • [fix] Replaced the allegro_order_not_found error with a more accurate error message indicating that the receiver's address is required when the receiver address is not provided.

  • [fix] Resolved a bug that allowed the creation of duplicate webhook URLs under certain conditions.

  • [fix] Addressed an issue where retry requests for a webhook were redundantly communicated, even for webhooks that had already been retried.

  • [fix] Corrected a problem where, in specific instances, the shipment manifestation process should issue a 404 Not Found response instead of a 500 Server Error.

1.64.0 (2023-11-21)

  • [enhancement] Performance improvements for /v1/dispatch_orders.

  • [enhancement] Organization authorizing for the first time - introduced under-the-hood improvements.

  • [enhancement] Improved backoffice tools support for webhooks.

  • [enhancement][WIP] OpenAPI docs and redoc for /v1/shipments.

  • [fix] DELETE v1/dispatch_order/{id} now returns 204 No Content instead of 404 Not Found when the dispatch order id is not recognized.

  • [fix] Improved case sensitivity handling of webhook addresses.

  • [fix] Shipments stuck in 'offer selected' will now properly display the reason in cases of "receiver": "company_name_invalid".

1.63.0 (2023-11-02)

  • [enhancement] Changed the validation for “end_of_week_collection" to enable all points to be available for the Allegro Smart service.

1.62.0 (2023-10-27)

  • [enhancement] Preparations for OAuth2 authorization code flow pilot phase.

1.61.1 (2023-10-12)

  • [fix] Fixed an issue where asking for a label for a shipment created on Sunday returned a 500 server error.

1.61.0 (2023-10-05)

  • [enhancement] The modified “shipment_cancel" command reflects the event in the tracking system and other applications.

1.60.0 (2023-09-26)

  • [enhancement] Introduced new top-level domains, eligible for all services.

  • [fix] Fixed an issue where v1/batches/ shipments would get stuck in "offer selected" when one of the shipments had incorrect data.

  • [fix] Fixed an issue causing v1/batches/ to create shipments in a loop under certain scenarios.

1.59.0 (2023-07-18)

  • [enhancement] Introduced new top-level domains eligible for Allegro services.

1.58.2 (2023-07-04)

  • [fix] Fixed validation errors while ordering dispatch orders with null value for sending_method.

  • [fix] Fixed taken_by_courier status description to reflect the proper description

1.58.1 (2023-06-30)

  • [fix] Implemented under-the-hood optimizations and tweaks for smoother performance and enhanced stability.

1.58.0 (2023-06-30)

  • [enhancement] Rolled out API enhancements to bolster our partnership with Allegro, offering richer integrations and streamlined functionalities.

  • [fix] Fixed validation errors while ordering a shipment using the inpost_letter_allegro service with “sending_method": "parcel_locker".

1.57.1 (2023-06-13)

  • [fix] Fixed an authorization error that resulted in a 403 Forbidden response when using the shipment_cancel command.

  • [fix] Implemented under-the-hood adjustments to improve the handling and efficiency of shipment reference settings.