Versions Compared
Version | Old Version 7 | New Version 8 |
Changes made by | ||
Saved on |
- This line was added.
- This line was removed.
- Formatting was changed.
The following headers (headers) are added to all services called by Merchants in Basket-app. Currently, they are optional. Eventually Basket-app will have these headers set as required:
- signature
- ISO8601 datetime string in UTC timezone with time of signature generation ex. 2023-05-11T15:02:23.429Z
- version of keys used to generate signature
- SHA-256 hash of public key used to generate signature
On this page:
Table of Contents |
Signature verification algorithm
Signature verification algorithm:
Recipient receives signed request with headers:
- signaturex-signature-timestamp
- ISO8601 datetime string in UTC timezone with time of signature generation ex.2023-05-11T15:02:23.429Z
- version of keys used to generate signaturex-public-key-hash
hash of public key used to generate signature
Recipient checks if already have cached public key with given version
key present in cache:
recipient checks if public key hash matches calculated as:
hash frompublic_key_base64
field. if verification is:positive - continue
negative - reject request with http: 401
{ "error_code": "INVALID_SIGNATURE", "error_message": "error description" }
key not present in cache:
obtain public key from
and verify hash as above
Prepare base64 string that consists of
. Values are separated with commasx-public-key-ver
from headers, use empty value if header is missing.merchant_external_id
value comes from endpoints/v1/izi/signing-keys/public/{keyVersion}
: base64 form ofSHA-256
hash (Message Digest) generated from request body. Use empty byte array as request body if body is missing.
Decode base64 signature and verify it with the
algorithm for the given public key and signature string. If verification:positive - continue
negative - reject request with http: 401
{ "error_code": "INVALID_SIGNATURE", "error_message": "error description" }
Recipient compares
value to current time. If difference is:less or equal to 240s - continue
bigger than 240s - reject request with http: 401
{ "error_code": "INVALID_SIGNATURE", "error_message": "error description" }
Manual signature verification:
curl --location 'http://{basket-app-host}/basket-app/api/v1/izi/signing-keys/public/{keyVersion}'
replace {Unknown macro: { {keyVersion}}}with value from header:
echo "$PUBLIC_KEY_BASE64" | openssl base64 -d -A | openssl rsa -pubin -inform DER -outform PEM -out pubkey.pem
with value from field:public_key_base64
DIGEST=$(echo -n "$(<message_body)" | openssl dgst -sha256 -binary | openssl enc -base64 -A)
is a file with EXACT request body (without any additions, whitespaces etc.)echo -n "$DIGEST,$EXTERNAL_MERCHANT_ID,$KEY_VERSION,$SIGNATURE_TIMESTAMP" | openssl enc -base64 -A -out signature_string
value is from public key endpoint - fieldmerchant_external_id
value is from headerx-public-key-ver
value is fromx-signature-timestamp
openssl enc -base64 -d -A -in request_signature -out signature.bin
is a file with value from headerx-signature
openssl dgst -sha256 -verify pubkey.pem -signature signature.bin signature_string
should printVerified OK
Merchant Backend API
List of methods issued by a merchant intended to communicate with InPost Pay:
| Method | Description | ||||||
Basket |
/v1/izi/basket/{basketId} | Downloading the details of a basket | ||||||
/v1/izi/basket/{basketId}/confirmation | Confirming adding a basket | |||||||
/v1/izi/basket/{basketId}/event | Notifying of a basket update | |||||||
/v1/izi/basket/{basketId}/binding | Basket desynchronization (unpairing the basket from the phone number) | |||||||
Order |
/v1/izi/order | Creating an order | ||||||
v1/izi/order/{orderId} | Order update | |||||||
/v1/izi/order/{orderId}/event | Sending information about order update |
Confluence open api |
--- openapi: 3.0.3 info: title: Swagger description: 'Merchant API. Merchant expose API only for Basket App ' version: 3.4.46 tags: - name: Basket description: Provides access to managing baskets. - name: Order description: Provides access to managing orders. paths: /v1/izi/basket/{basket_id}: get: tags: - Basket summary: Reads basket details. description: Reads basket details operationId: basket parameters: - name: basket_id in: path description: ID of basket required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string responses: "200": description: Basket details content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/basket_response' default"401": description: unexpected error content: application/json: schemaexample: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' "409": error_code: UNAUTHORIZED description: Bad request contenterror_message: Given user is not authorized to access the resource. application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error_basket' "404" description: Unauthorized. description"403": Basket not found content: application/json: schemaexample: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error_baskets'code: FORBIDDEN /v1/izi/basket/{basket_id}/confirmation: post: tags: error_message: Access to given resource is -forbidden Basketfor current user. summary: Basket binding confirmation. descriptionschema: This method creates connection between BasketId and phoneNumber. operationId: bindingBasket $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' parameters: - namedescription: basket_idForbidden. in: path"500": description: IDInternal ofserver basketerror to bind with InPost Mobile App. content: required: true application/json: style: simple explodeschema: false schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' type: string requestBodyexamples: content: application/jsoninternalServerError: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/request_browser_bindingexamples/internalServerError' required: true responses: "200"400": description: BasketBad detailsrequest. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/basketerror' default: examples: description: unexpected error content:argumentNotValidError: application/json:$ref: '#/components/examples/argumentNotValidError' schemamalformedRequest: $ref: '#/components/schemasexamples/errormalformedRequest' "409404": description: Bad requestResource not found. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/basket_confirmationerror' examples: basketNotFound: $ref: '#/components/examples/basketNotFound' "404409": description: Basket not foundConflict content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error_baskets' /v1/izi/basket/{basket_id}/event: post: tagsexamples: - Basket summarybasketDelete: Update basket details. description: Update basket details. The method allows to change products quantity, promotion codes$ref: '#/components/examples/basketDelete' /v1/izi/basket/{basket_id}/confirmation: post: tags: - Basket summary: Basket binding confirmation. description: This method creates connection between BasketId and phoneNumber. operationId: basketEventsbindingBasket parameters: - name: basket_id in: path description: ID of basket to updatebind with InPost Mobile App. required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/basketrequest_browser_eventsbinding' required: true responses: "200": description: Get basketBasket details content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/basket' default: description: unexpected error"401": content: application/json: schemaexample: $referror_code: '#/components/schemas/error' UNAUTHORIZED "409": descriptionerror_message: BadGiven requestuser is not authorized to access the resource. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error_basket' "404"description: Unauthorized. description: Basket not found"403": content: application/json: schemaexample: $referror_code: '#/components/schemas/error_baskets' FORBIDDEN /v1/izi/basket/{basketId}/binding: delete: tagserror_message: Access to given resource is forbidden for current user. - Basket summary: Desynchronisation of basket with telephoneschema: number description: Desynchronisation of basket with telephone number $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' operationId: deleteBasket parametersdescription: Forbidden. - name"500": basketId indescription: pathInternal server error description content: ID of basket to delete application/json: required: true styleschema: simple explode$ref: false'#/components/schemas/error' schema: examples: type: string responsesinternalServerError: "200": description$ref: basket deleted'#/components/examples/internalServerError' default"400": description: unexpectedBad errorrequest. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' /v1/izi/order: post: tagsexamples: - Order summaryargumentNotValidError: Create order. operationId: createOrder requestBody: $ref: '#/components/examples/argumentNotValidError' content: application/json: malformedRequest: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/post_order_request' required: true responses:examples/malformedRequest' "201404": description: Resource Ordernot createdfound. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/order_requesterror' default examples: description: unexpected error basketNotFound: content: application/json:$ref: '#/components/examples/basketNotFound' "409": schema: description: Conflict $refcontent: '#/components/schemas/error' "400"application/json: description: Bad request schema: content$ref: '#/components/schemas/error' application/json examples: schema basketNotBoundError: $ref: '#/components/schemasexamples/error_orderbasketNotBoundError' /v1/izi/orderbasket/{orderbasket_id}/event: getpost: tags: - OrderBasket summary: Get order details Update basket details. description: Update basket details. The method allows to change products quantity, promotion codes. operationId: getOrderbasketEvents parameters: - name: orderbasket_id in: path description: ID of basket orderto update required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string responsesrequestBody: "200"content: descriptionapplication/json: Order details contentschema: application/json: $ref: '#/components/schemas/basket_events' schemarequired: true $ref: '#/components/schemas/order_request'responses: default"200": description: Get unexpectedbasket errordetails content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/errorbasket' "400401": descriptioncontent: Bad request contentapplication/json: application/jsonexample: schema error_code: UNAUTHORIZED $ref: '#/components/schemas/error_orders' error_message: Given user is not authorized to access the resource. "404": descriptionschema: Order not found content$ref: '#/components/schemas/error' application/jsondescription: Unauthorized. "403": schema: content: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' application/json: /v1/izi/order/{order_id}/event: post: tagsexample: - Order summaryerror_code: UpdateFORBIDDEN order. operationId: updateOrder parameterserror_message: Access to given resource is forbidden for current user. - name: order_id inschema: path description: ID of order to update$ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requireddescription: trueForbidden. "500": style: simple description: Internal server explode:error false schemacontent: typeapplication/json: string requestBody: schema: description: Please not that not all event_data payload will be populated on each event. Payload is functionally separated to payment and order status event, thus payment_* fields will be send for payment event, without order_status as it does not change on payment event. For order status change event only order_status will be populated as payment related data does not change with that event.$ref: '#/components/schemas/error' examples: internalServerError: content$ref: '#/components/examples/internalServerError' application/json"400": description: Bad schema:request. content: $ref: '#/components/schemas/request_order_event' requiredapplication/json: true responses: "200"schema: description: Basket response $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' content: examples: application/json: argumentNotValidError: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/response_order_event_merchantexamples/argumentNotValidError' default: descriptionmalformedRequest: unexpected error content: $ref: '#/components/examples/malformedRequest' application/json "404": description: Resource not found. schema: content: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' application/json: "400": descriptionschema: Bad request content$ref: '#/components/schemas/error' application/jsonexamples: schema basketNotFound: $ref: '#/components/schemasexamples/error_ordersbasketNotFound' "404409": description: OrderConflict not found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' components: schemas: error: requiredexamples: - errorCode typebasketNotFound: object properties: error_code: $ref: '#/components/examples/basketNotUpdate' /v1/izi/basket/{basketId}/binding: typedelete: string error_messagetags: - Basket type: string error_orderssummary: Desynchronisation of basket with telephone number required: description: Desynchronisation of basket with telephone number operationId: deleteBasket parameters: - errorCode name: basketId in: path description: ID of basket to delete required: true typestyle: simple object propertiesexplode: false error_code schema: type: string responses: "200": enum:description: basket deleted "401": - ORDER_CANCELLED content: application/json: example: error_code: UNAUTHORIZED error_message: Given user is not authorized to access the resource. schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' description: Unauthorized. "403": content: application/json: example: error_code: FORBIDDEN error_message: Access to given resource is forbidden for current user. schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' description: Forbidden. "500": description: Internal server error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' examples: internalServerError: $ref: '#/components/examples/internalServerError' "400": description: Bad request. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' examples: argumentNotValidError: $ref: '#/components/examples/argumentNotValidError' malformedRequest: $ref: '#/components/examples/malformedRequest' "404": description: Resource not found. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' examples: basketNotFound: $ref: '#/components/examples/basketNotFound' /v1/izi/order: post: tags: - Order summary: Create order. operationId: createOrder requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/post_order_request' required: true responses: "201": description: Order created content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/order_request' "401": content: application/json: example: error_code: UNAUTHORIZED error_message: Given user is not authorized to access the resource. schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' description: Unauthorized. "403": content: application/json: example: error_code: FORBIDDEN error_message: Access to given resource is forbidden for current user. schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' description: Forbidden. "500": description: Internal server error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' examples: internalServerError: $ref: '#/components/examples/internalServerError' "400": description: Bad request. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' examples: argumentNotValidError: $ref: '#/components/examples/argumentNotValidError' malformedRequest: $ref: '#/components/examples/malformedRequest' "404": description: Resource not found. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' examples: basketNotFound: $ref: '#/components/examples/basketNotFound' "409": description: Conflict content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' examples: orderNotCreate: $ref: '#/components/examples/orderNotCreate' /v1/izi/order/{order_id}: get: tags: - Order summary: Get order details. operationId: getOrder parameters: - name: order_id in: path description: ID of order required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string responses: "200": description: Order details content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/order_request' "401": content: application/json: example: error_code: UNAUTHORIZED error_message: Given user is not authorized to access the resource. schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' description: Unauthorized. "403": content: application/json: example: error_code: FORBIDDEN error_message: Access to given resource is forbidden for current user. schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' description: Forbidden. "500": description: Internal server error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' examples: internalServerError: $ref: '#/components/examples/internalServerError' "400": description: Bad request. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' examples: argumentNotValidError: $ref: '#/components/examples/argumentNotValidError' malformedRequest: $ref: '#/components/examples/malformedRequest' "404": description: Resource not found. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' examples: orderNotFound: $ref: '#/components/examples/orderNotFound' /v1/izi/order/{order_id}/event: post: tags: - Order summary: Update order. operationId: updateOrder parameters: - name: order_id in: path description: ID of order to update required: true style: simple explode: false schema: type: string requestBody: description: Please not that not all event_data payload will be populated on each event. Payload is functionally separated to payment and order status event, thus payment_* fields will be send for payment event, without order_status as it does not change on payment event. For order status change event only order_status will be populated as payment related data does not change with that event. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/request_order_event' required: true responses: "200": description: Basket response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/response_order_event_merchant' "401": content: application/json: example: error_code: UNAUTHORIZED error_message: Given user is not authorized to access the resource. schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' description: Unauthorized. "403": content: application/json: example: error_code: FORBIDDEN error_message: Access to given resource is forbidden for current user. schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' description: Forbidden. "500": description: Internal server error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' examples: internalServerError: $ref: '#/components/examples/internalServerError' "400": description: Bad request. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' examples: argumentNotValidError: $ref: '#/components/examples/argumentNotValidError' malformedRequest: $ref: '#/components/examples/malformedRequest' "404": description: Resource not found. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' examples: basketNotFound: $ref: '#/components/examples/basketNotFound' orderNotFound: $ref: '#/components/examples/orderNotFound' "409": description: Conflict content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' examples: orderNotFound: $ref: '#/components/examples/orderNotUpdate' components: examples: merchantDisabledError: value: error_code: MERCHANT_DISABLE error_message: 'Merchant with given id is DISABLED' summary: MERCHANT_DISABLE description: Service is temporarily disabled, because of to many incorrect requests or manual blockade basketBoundError: value: error_code: BASKET_IS_BINDED error_message: 'Basket already bound' summary: BASKET_IS_BINDED description: Basket already bound. basketExpired: value: error_code: BASKET_EXPIRED error_message: 'Basket expired' summary: BASKET_EXPIRED description: Basket expired and will be removed soon. basketNotBoundError: value: error_code: BASKET_NOT_BOUND error_message: 'Basket not bound' summary: BASKET_NOT_BOUND description: Basket not bound. bindingRedundantPhoneError: value: error_code: ERROR_VALIDATION_PHONE_NUMBER error_message: 'Phone number required for PHONE binding method only' summary: ERROR_VALIDATION_PHONE_NUMBER description: Phone number should not be passed for binding methods other than PHONE. bindingPhoneRequiredError: value: error_code: ERROR_VALIDATION_PHONE_NUMBER_REQUIRED error_message: 'Phone number is required' summary: ERROR_VALIDATION_PHONE_NUMBER_REQUIRED description: Phone number is required for PHONE method binding. bindingBrowserRequiredError: value: error_code: ERROR_VALIDATION_BROWSER_REQUIRED error_message: 'Browser is required for PHONE binding method' summary: ERROR_VALIDATION_BROWSER_REQUIRED description: Browser details are required for PHONE binding method phoneBindingMethodUnavailableError: value: error_code: PHONE_BINDING_METHOD_UNAVAILABLE error_message: 'Unavailable' summary: PHONE_BINDING_METHOD_UNAVAILABLE description: Phone binding method temporarily unavailable for requested number. orderStatusError: value: error_code: STATUS_ORDER_ERROR error_message: 'Unavailable' summary: STATUS_ORDER_ERROR description: Can't be changed ORDER_COMPLETED publicKeyNotFound: value: error_code: PUBLIC_KEY_NOT_FOUND error_message: 'Public key version {} not found' summary: PUBLIC_KEY_NOT_FOUND description: public key not found argumentNotValidError: value: error_code: BAD_REQUEST error_message: Invalid request. summary: BAD_REQUEST description: Request validation error. Error message might optionally contain information about constraint violations. malformedRequest: value: error_code: MALFORMED_REQUEST error_message: Request not readable. summary: MALFORMED_REQUEST description: The server was not able to read the request. notFound: value: - ORDER_FINISHEDerror_code: NOT_FOUND error_message: Resource not found. typesummary: string error_basket:NOT_FOUND requireddescription: The server was not able to read the -request. errorCode typebasketNotFound: object propertiesvalue: error_code: BASKET_NOT_FOUND typeerror_message: stringBasket not found. summary: BASKET_NOT_FOUND enum: description: Basket not found. -basketNotUpdate: BASKET_DELETED value: - error_code: BASKET_EXPIREDNOT_UPDATE error_message: Basket not update. summary: BASKET_NOT_UPDATE type: string error_basketsdescription: Basket not update. requiredorderNotCreate: value: - errorCode type: objecterror_code: ORDER_NOT_CREATE propertieserror_message: Merchant reason to present client. error_code: summary: ORDER_NOT_CREATE typedescription: stringOrder not create. enumorderNotFound: value: - BASKET error_code: ORDER_NOT_FOUND error_message: Order not found. typesummary: string error_order:ORDER_NOT_FOUND requireddescription: Order not found. basketDelete: - errorCode value: type: object properties:error_code: BASKET_DELETE error_codemessage: Basket delete. summary: BASKET_DELETE type: string description: Basket delete. enum internalServerError: value: - PRODUCT_UNAVAILABLE error_code: INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR error_message: - BASKET_HASH_NOT_MATCHED Something went wrong. Please try again later. summary: - PRODUCTINTERNAL_PARAMETERSSERVER_CHANGEDERROR error_messagedescription: The server encountered unexpected error. orderNotUpdate: type: string basket_confirmation: value: required: error_code: ORDER_NOT_UPDATE - errorCode error_message: Order type:not objectupdate. propertiessummary: ORDER_NOT_UPDATE error_codedescription: Order not update. typeschemas: string error: enumrequired: - errorCode - BASKET_IS_BOUND type: object properties: - BASKET_EXPIRED error_code: - BASKET_DELETEDtype: string error_message: type: string basket_response: type: object required: - summary - delivery - products - consents properties: summary: $ref: '#/components/schemas/summary' delivery: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/delivery_basket_response' promo_codes: type: array description: promo codes items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/promo_codes' products: type: array description: products information items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/get_products' related_products: type: array description: related product information items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/get_products' consents: type: array description: consents list items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/consents' basket: type: object required: - summary - delivery - products - consents properties: summary: $ref: '#/components/schemas/basket_summary' delivery: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/delivery_basket_response' promo_codes: type: array description: promo codes items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/promo_codes' products: type: array description: products information items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/get_products' related_products: type: array description: related product information items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/get_products' consents: type: array description: consents list items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/consents' basket_events: type: object description: event relating change in customer basket required: - event_id - event_data_time - event_type properties: event_id: type: string description: event id event_data_time: type: string description: event data time format: date-time event_type: type: string description: event type enum: - PRODUCTS_QUANTITY - PROMO_CODES - RELATED_PRODUCTS phone_number: $ref: '#/components/schemas/phone_number' quantity_event_data: type: array description: quantity event items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/quantity_event_data' promo_codes_event_data: type: array description: promo codes event. If an empty list is provided, it means that customer has deleted the promo code. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/promo_codes' related_products_event_data: type: array description: promo codes event items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/related_products_event' quantity_event_data: type: object description: promo codes event required: - product_id - quantity properties: product_id: type: string description: product id quantity: $ref: '#/components/schemas/quantity' related_products_event: type: object description: promo codes event required: - product_id - quantity properties: product_id: type: string description: product id ean: type: string description: ean code quantity: $ref: '#/components/schemas/quantity' request_browser_binding: type: object properties: status: description: status binding type: string enum: - SUCCESS - REJECT inpost_basket_id: type: string description: basket id created by BaketApp phone_number: $ref: '#/components/schemas/phone_number' browser: $ref: '#/components/schemas/browser' masked_phone_number: type: string description: masked phone numebr example: 60*****00 name: type: string description: client name surname: type: string description: client surname browser: type: object required: - browser_trusted properties: browser_trusted: type: boolean description: is browser trusted browser_id: type: string description: browser id order_request: type: object required: - order_details - account_info - delivery - products - consents properties: order_details: $ref: '#/components/schemas/response_orders_details' account_info: $ref: '#/components/schemas/account_info' invoice_details: $ref: '#/components/schemas/invoice_details' delivery: $ref: '#/components/schemas/delivery' products: type: array description: products order list items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/get_products_order' consents: type: array description: consents list items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/consents_order' post_order_request: type: object required: - order_details - account_info - products - consents - delivery properties: order_details: $ref: '#/components/schemas/request_orders_details' account_info: $ref: '#/components/schemas/account_info_request' invoice_details: $ref: '#/components/schemas/invoice_details' delivery: $ref: '#/components/schemas/delivery_order' consents: type: array description: consents list items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/consents_order' request_order_event: type: object required: - event_id - event_data_time - event_data properties: event_id: type: string description: event id event_data_time: type: string format: date-time description: event date time phone_number: $ref: '#/components/schemas/phone_number' event_data: $ref: '#/components/schemas/event_data' get_products: type: object required: - product_id - product_name - base_price - quantity properties: product_id: type: string description: product id product_category: type: string description: product category ean: type: string description: ean code product_name: type: string description: product name product_description: type: string description: product description product_link: type: string description: product link product_image: type: string description: product image base_price: $ref: '#/components/schemas/base_price' promo_price: $ref: '#/components/schemas/base_price' lowest_price: $ref: '#/components/schemas/base_price' quantity: $ref: '#/components/schemas/quantity' product_attributes: type: array description: product attributes items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/product_attributes' variants: type: array description: variant product ordered list items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/variants' get_products_order: type: object required: - product_id - product_name - base_price - quantity properties: product_id: type: string description: product id product_category: type: string description: product category ean: type: string description: ean code product_name: type: string description: product name product_description: type: string description: product description product_link: type: string description: product link product_image: type: string description: product image base_price: $ref: '#/components/schemas/base_price' quantity: $ref: '#/components/schemas/quantity_order' product_attributes: type: array description: product attributes items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/product_attributes' variants: type: array description: variant product ordered list items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/variants' variants: type: object description: variant product ordered required: - variant_id - variant_name properties: variant_id: type: string description: variant id variant_name: type: string description: variant name variant_description: type: string description: variant description variant_type: type: string description: variant type variant_values: type: string description: variant values consents: type: object description: Consents list required: - consent_id - consent_description - consent_version - requirement_type - consent_link properties: consent_id: type: string description: consent id consent_link: type: string description: consent link consent_description: type: string description: consent description consent_version: type: string description: consent version requirement_type: type: string enum: - OPTIONAL - REQUIRED_ONCE - REQUIRED_ALWAYS description: information on requirement consent delivery: type: object description: delivery information required: - delivery_type - delivery_price - delivery_date properties: delivery_type: type: string description: delivery type (APM; COURIER) enum: - APM - COURIER delivery_date: type: string format: date-time description: delivery date delivery_options: type: array description: delivery options items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/delivery_options' mail: type: string description: emial phone_number: $ref: '#/components/schemas/phone_number' delivery_point: type: string description: APM delivery point delivery_address: $ref: '#/components/schemas/delivery_address' delivery_price: $ref: '#/components/schemas/base_price' courier_note: type: string description: additional information for courier delivery_order: type: object description: delivery information required: - delivery_type properties: delivery_type: type: string enum: - APM - COURIER description: delivery type (APM; COURIER) delivery_codes: type: array description: delivery options items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/delivery_code' mail: type: string description: email phone_number: $ref: '#/components/schemas/phone_number' delivery_point: type: string description: APM delivery point delivery_address: $ref: '#/components/schemas/delivery_address_request' courier_note: type: string description: additional information for courier delivery_code: type: string description: payment type example: PWW delivery_address: type: object description: delivery address required: - name - country_code - address - city - postal_code properties: name: type: string description: name country_code: type: string description: country code address: type: string description: address city: type: string description: city postal_code: type: string description: postal code client_address: type: object description: delivery address required: - country_code - address - city - postal_code properties: country_code: type: string description: country code address: type: string description: address city: type: string description: city postal_code: type: string description: postal code delivery_basket_response: type: object required: - delivery_type - delivery_price - delivery_date properties: delivery_type: type: string description: delivery type (APM; COURIER) enum: - APM - COURIER delivery_date: type: string format: date-time description: delivery date delivery_options: type: array description: delivery options items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/delivery_options' delivery_price: $ref: '#/components/schemas/base_price' free_delivery_minimum_gross_price: type: number format: decimal description: free delivery minimum gross price delivery_options: type: object description: promo codes required: - delivery_name - delivery_code_value - delivery_option_price properties: delivery_name: type: string description: delivery name example: Paczka w Weekend delivery_code_value: type: string description: delivery code value example: PWW delivery_option_price: $ref: '#/components/schemas/base_price' basket_summary: type: object required: - basket_base_price - currency - payment_type properties: basket_base_price: $ref: '#/components/schemas/base_price' basket_final_price: $ref: '#/components/schemas/base_price' basket_promo_price: $ref: '#/components/schemas/base_price' currency: type: string description: basket currency enum: - PLN basket_expiration_date: type: string format: date-time description: expiry date of basket basket_additional_information: type: string description: additional information payment_type: type: array description: payment type items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/payment_type' basket_notice: $ref: '#/components/schemas/information' payment_type: type: string description: payment type enum: - CARD - CARD_TOKEN - GOOGLE_PAY - APPLE_PAY - BLIK_CODE - BLIK_TOKEN - PAY_BY_LINK - SHOPPING_LIMIT - DEFERRED_PAYMENT - CASH_ON_DELIVERY summary: type: object required: - basket_base_price - currency - payment_type properties: basket_base_price: $ref: '#/components/schemas/base_price' basket_final_price: $ref: '#/components/schemas/base_price' basket_promo_price: $ref: '#/components/schemas/base_price' currency: type: string description: basket currency enum: - PLN basket_expiration_date: type: string format: date-time description: expiry date of basket basket_additional_information: type: string description: additional information payment_type: type: array description: payment type items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/payment_type' basket_notice: $ref: '#/components/schemas/information' invoice_details: type: object properties: legal_form: type: string description: legal form of customer enum: - PERSON - COMPANY country_code: type: string description: country code tax_id_prefix: type: string description: tax id prefix tax_id: type: string description: tax id company_name: type: string description: company name name: type: string description: name surname: type: string description: surname city: type: string description: city street: type: string description: street building: type: string description: building flat: type: string description: flat postal_code: type: string description: postal code mail: type: string description: mail registration_data_edited: type: string description: registration data edited additional_information: type: string description: additional information account_info: type: object required: - name - surname - phone_number - client_address - mail properties: name: type: string description: name surname: type: string description: surname phone_number: $ref: '#/components/schemas/phone_number' mail: type: string description: mail client_address: $ref: '#/components/schemas/client_address' consents_order: type: object description: consents order list required: - consent_id - consent_version - is_accepted properties: consent_id: type: string description: consent id consent_version: type: string description: consent version is_accepted: type: boolean description: is accepted consent response_orders_details: type: object required: - order_id - order_creation_date - basket_id - payment_status - order_merchant_status_description - payment_type - order_base_price - order_final_price - currency - pos_id properties: order_comments: type: string description: order comments order_id: type: string description: order id pos_id: type: string description: POS identifier provided by Vodeno, allowing merchant to filter payments in the reporting tools order_creation_date: type: string format: date-time description: order creation date basket_id: type: string description: basket id order_merchant_status_description: type: string description: order merchant status description payment_type: type: string description: order status enum: - CARD - CARD_TOKEN - GOOGLE_PAY - APPLE_PAY - BLIK_CODE - BLIK_TOKEN - PAY_BY_LINK - SHOPPING_LIMIT - DEFERRED_PAYMENT - CASH_ON_DELIVERY order_base_price: type: object description: price for order without delivery costs required: - net - gross - vat properties: net: type: number format: decimal description: net price gross: type: number format: decimal description: gross price vat: type: number format: decimal description: VAT order_final_price: type: object description: total order price with delivery costs required: - net - gross - vat properties: net: type: number format: decimal description: net price gross: type: number format: decimal description: gross price vat: type: number format: decimal description: VAT currency: type: string description: basket currency enum: - PLN delivery_references_list: type: array description: delivery references list items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/delivery_references' delivery_references: type: string description: delivery references request_orders_details: type: object required: - basket_id - payment_type - currency - basket_price properties: order_comments: type: string description: order information basket_id: type: string description: basket id currency: type: string description: basket currency enum: - PLN basket_price: type: object description: total basket price required: - net - gross - vat properties: net: type: number format: decimal description: net price gross: type: number format: decimal description: gross price vat: type: number format: decimal description: VAT payment_type: type: string description: payment type enum: - CARD - CARD_TOKEN - GOOGLE_PAY - APPLE_PAY - BLIK_CODE - BLIK_TOKEN - PAY_BY_LINK - SHOPPING_LIMIT - DEFERRED_PAYMENT - CASH_ON_DELIVERY promo_codes: type: object description: promo code required: - name - promo_code_value properties: name: type: string description: promo code name promo_code_value: type: string description: promo code value product_attributes: type: object description: product attributes required: - attribute_name - attribute_value properties: attribute_name: type: string description: attribute name attribute_value: type: string description: attribute value event_data: type: object description: Data on events properties: payment_status: type: string description: payment status. AUTHORIZED - payment successfully completed enum: - AUTHORIZED order_status: type: string description: order status enum: - ORDER_REJECTED payment_id: type: string description: payment id payment_reference: type: string description: payment reference payment_type: type: string description: payment type enum: - CARD - CARD_TOKEN - GOOGLE_PAY - APPLE_PAY - BLIK_CODE - BLIK_TOKEN - PAY_BY_LINK - SHOPPING_LIMIT - DEFERRED_PAYMENT - CASH_ON_DELIVERY base_price: type: object description: price information required: - net - gross - vat properties: net: type: number format: decimal description: net price gross: type: number format: decimal description: gross price vat: type: number format: decimal description: VAT quantity: type: object description: product quantity information required: - quantity properties: quantity: type: number description: product quantity quantity_type: type: string description: product quantity type enum: - DECIMAL - INTEGER quantity_unit: type: string description: unit quantity available_quantity: type: number format: decimal description: product quantity available max_quantity: type: number format: decimal description: maximum product quantity quantity_order: type: object description: product quantity required: - quantity properties: quantity: type: number description: product quantity quantity_type: type: string enum: - DECIMAL - INTEGER description: product quantity type quantity_unit: type: string description: unit quantity phone_number: type: object description: phone number required: - country_prefix - phone properties: country_prefix: type: string description: prefix example: '+48' phone: type: string example: 600123123 information: type: object required: - type - description properties: type: type: string enum: - ATTENTION - ERROR description: type additional notice description: type: string description: basket additional notice response_order_event_merchant: type: object properties: order_status: type: string description: order status - Merchant can change order status to; ORDER_COMPLETED - order completed in merchant's shop, ORDER_REJECTED - order rejected by merchant enum: - ORDER_COMPLETED - ORDER_REJECTED order_merchant_status_description: type: string description: order merchant status description delivery_references_list: type: array description: delivery references list items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/delivery_references' address_details: description: This is auto-generated object from single line user input. Correctness of the data is not guaranteed. type: object properties: street: type: string description: street building: type: string description: Building number. Populated with "_" if not found in the address. flat: type: string description: flat account_info_request: type: object required: - name - surname - phone_number - client_address - mail properties: name: type: string description: name surname: type: string description: surname phone_number: $ref: '#/components/schemas/phone_number' mail: type: string description: mail client_address: $ref: '#/components/schemas/client_address_request' client_address_request: type: object description: delivery address required: - country_code - address - city - postal_code properties: country_code: type: string description: country code address: type: string description: address address_details: $ref: '#/components/schemas/address_details' city: type: string description: city postal_code: type: string description: postal code delivery_address_request: type: object description: delivery address required: - name - country_code - address - city - postal_code properties: name: type: string description: name country_code: type: string description: country code address: type: string description: address city: type: string description: city postal_code: type: string description: postal code address_details: $ref: '#/components/schemas/address_details' |