[ENG] Documentation of the Weekend Parcel service

[ENG] Documentation of the Weekend Parcel service


General information

Basic characteristics of the service:

  • The service will be available in a specific time window, e.g. from Thursday 20:00 until Friday 18:00. However the service will not cover public holidays

  • the service will not available for Parcel Service Points (POP) and parcel locker with the parameter "location_247":false

  • The service is available to postpaid/prepaid customers

  • The service is supported by parcel locker available 24/7

Downloading the list of points available for the service

In order to download the list of points available for the service, call the method for downloading machines with the parameter type=parcel_locker_only e.g.: https://api-shipx-pl.easypack24.net/v1/points?type=parcel_locker_only then filter out machines that are not available 24/7 with the parameter location_247 set to true (location_247": true) or use https://api-shipx-pl.easypack24.net/v1/points?location_247=true.


Implementation of service in apiv2


Implementation of changes in apiv2 will require modification in two methods.


Standard price list for shipments (https://api.paczkomaty.pl/? do=pricelist)


A new price list will be introduced for the service under the name endOfWeekCollection.


<paczkomaty> <on_delivery_payment>minimalny_koszt_pobrania</on_delivery_payment> <packtype> <type>shipment_type </type> <price>shipment_price</price> </packtype> <packtype> <type>shipment_type</type> <price>shipment_price</price> </packtype> <packtype> <type>shipment_type</type> <price>shipment_price</price> </packtype> <insurance> <limit>insurance_amount_upper_limit </limit> <price>insurance_cost </price> </insurance> <endOfWeekCollection> <price>weekend_delivery_price </price> </endOfWeekCollection> </paczkomaty>


Creating shipments (https://api.paczkomaty.pl/?do=createdeliverypacks)

The choice of the service will only be available in the determined time interval described in general information about the service.












true value will mean that the additional service was chosen

The attribute will not be required.

Example of creating a shipment:


<paczkomaty> <autoLabels>automatic_labels</autoLabels> <selfSend>shipment_in_machine </selfSend> <pack> <id> temporary_pack_id</id> <addresseeEmail>recipient_email_address</addresseeEmail> <senderEmail>sender_email_address </senderEmail> <phoneNum>recipient_phone_number </phoneNum> <boxMachineName>parcel_machine_designation </boxMachineName> <packType>pack_type </packType> <endOfWeekCollection>true</endOfWeekCollection> </pack> </paczkomaty>




Error information


  • when selecting the additional service outside the indicated time interval, an exception will be returned by the application



<paczkomaty> <pack> <id>temporary_pack_id </type> <error key="invalidEndOfWeekCollection">The selected additional service is beyond the specified time interval. Time intervals in which the service can be used are described in the terms and conditions.</error> </pack> </paczkomaty>


  • When selecting the Customer Service Point as the method of collecting the shipment an exception will be returned. Only machines with parcel_locker_only category available 24/7 support Weekend Delivery



  • the service is not available for the Allegro shipments. An attempt to create an Allegro shipment with the Weekend Delivery service will result in an exception returned by the application




Implementation of service in ShipX




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