Service Weekend shipments

Service Weekend shipments

General information

Basic characteristics of the service:

  • The service will be available in a specific time window, e.g. from Thursday 20:00 until Friday 18:00. However the service will not cover public holidays

  • the service will not available for Parcel Service Points (POP) and parcel locker with the parameter "location_247":false

  • The service is available to postpaid/prepaid customers

  • The service is supported by parcel locker available 24/7

Implementation of service

The choice of the service will only be available in the determined time interval described in general information about the service.












True value will mean that the additional service is chosen

The attribute is not required.

  • Default value false


Modifying the shipment object


The change should be implemented in::

Downloading the list of points available for the service

In order to download the list of points available for the service, call the method for downloading machines with the parameter type=parcel_locker_only e.g.: https://api-shipx-pl.easypack24.net/v1/points?type=parcel_locker_only then filter out machines that are not available 24/7 with the parameter location_247 set to true (location_247": true) or use https://api-shipx-pl.easypack24.net/v1/points?location_247=true.


Error information


Errors that may occur when creating a shipment:

  • invalid_end_of_week_collection - when selecting the additional service outside the indicated time interval, an exception will be returned by the application

  • invalid_target_point_for_end_of_week_collection - in case of choosing Parcel Service Point which is not available 24/7 as a way of collecting a shipment an exception will be returned. Only machines filtered with type=parcel_locker_only support Weekend Delivery

  • invalid_target_point_247_for_end_of_week_collection - an exception will be returned if you select a parcel machine that is not available 24/7 as your collection method. Only machines filtered with type=parcel_locker_only available 24/7 parameter support Weekend Delivery

  • invalid_allegro_for_end_of_week_collection - the service will not available for the Allegro shipments. An attempt to create an Allegro shipment with the Weekend Delivery service will result in an exception being returned by the application

Sample query for creating a shipment in the simplified mode

curl --location 'https://api-shipx-pl.easypack24.net/v1/organizations/1/shipments' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1Ni...' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "sender": { "name": "Name", "company_name": "Company_name", "first_name": "first_name", "last_name": "last_name", "email": "test@grupainteger.pl", "phone": "321321321", "address": { "street": "Czerniakowska", "building_number": "87A", "city": "Warszawa", "post_code": "00-718", "country_code": "PL" } }, "receiver": { "name": "Name", "company_name": "Company name", "first_name": "Jan", "last_name": "Kowalski", "email": "test@inpost.pl", "phone": "111222333" }, "parcels": { "template": "small" }, "insurance": { "amount": 25, "currency": "PLN" }, "cod": { "amount": 12.50, "currency": "PLN" }, "custom_attributes": { "sending_method": "dispatch_order", "target_point": "KRA012" }, "service": "inpost_locker_standard", "reference": "Test", "end_of_week_collection": true }'

Shipment search modification

  • the Weekend delivery service can be searched by including the following filter parameter end_of_week_collectionwith either true or false values

  • if the parameter is set to true, i.e. end_of_week_collection=true, only shipments with the Weekend Delivery option will be returned

  • in the absence of the filter parameter end_of_week_collection, all shipments will be returned

  • Detailed information at Shipment search and sorting

Modifying services


  • the web service object will be updated with the additional Weekend Delivery attribute

  • for the inpost_locker_standard service type the additional attribute will be returned with the following id: end_of_week_collection

  • Detailed information at Shipment edit

Modifying shipment price conversion


  • when creating a shipment in the post method the parameter can be provided end_of_week_collection with either true or false value,

  • the parameter is not required

  • in response, the price list will be returned, updated with the parameter end_of_week_collection_charge_amount

  • Detailed information at Shipment price calculation

Response example:


[       {              "id":"SHIPMENT1",              "calculated_charge_amount":"27.20",              "fuel_charge_amount":"0.00",              "notification_charge_amount":"0.00",              "cod_charge_amount":"0.00",              "insurance_charge_amount":"20.00",              "calculated_charge_amount_non_commission":"7.20",              "end_of_week_collection_charge_amount":"4.99",       },       {              "id":"SHIPMENT2",              "calculated_charge_amount":"18.00",              "fuel_charge_amount":null,              "notification_charge_amount":null,              "cod_charge_amount":null,              "insurance_charge_amount":null,              "calculated_charge_amount_non_commission":null,              "end_of_week_collection_charge_amount":"4.99"


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