[ENG] Shopify
Below is the documentation for InPost's proprietary Shopify solution. It contains information about the installation and configuration of the plugin.
The plugin is available on the Shopify app strore
Shopify as of January 1, 2023 has changed the rules for granting access to the Carrier Service API which allows our application to work only from the SHOPIFY plan
Due to changes in Shopify, we had to disable "Advanced Mode" or Geowidget in Shopify Plus. As of 04.01, only the list of points will be available and "Advanced Mode" will be deactivated.
If you use the app, it's a good idea to have backup shipping rates set up that will be charged if the rates generated by the InPost app are unavailable: Backup shipping rates
Na tej stronie:
- 1 Changelog
- 2 Authorization
- 3 Plugin installation
- 4 Configuration
- 4.1 Authorization (Login Details)
- 4.1.1 Autoryzacja (Token API)
- 4.1.2 Autoryzacja (Token Geowidget) Shopify Plus
- 4.1.3 Tryb API
- 4.1.4 Status wtyczki
- 4.2 Services
- 4.2.1 Tryb
- 4.2.2 Metody dostawy
- 4.2.3 Szybkie Zwroty
- 4.2.4 Domyślna wartość ubezpieczenia
- 4.2.5 Ustawienia nadania
- 4.2.6 Punkt odbioru
- 4.2.7 Nadawca
- 4.3 Disable products
- 4.4 Shipments - management
- 4.4.1 Filtering shipments
- 4.4.2 List of shipments
- 4.4.3 Label generation
- 4.5 Shipments - creating shipments
- 4.6 Completing the consignment number in the order
- 4.7 Orders - courier driveway
- 4.8 Product
- 4.9 Help
- 4.1 Authorization (Login Details)
- 5 Contact
Production environment
Sandbox environment
Sandbox mode is available only when no production order has yet been processed by the application.
Due to the limitations of displaying POPs in the test maps, production maps have been used in the application to allow you to preview the selection of default Parcelboxes or Parcelpoints.
To create a shipment in test mode with Parcel Post or POP broadcast, you need to enter the data manually.
Parcel Locker : WAW099, AND01A, BBI01N
Plugin installation
Install the app from the Shopify App Store
Log in to the Shopify App Store
Find Inpost app, then click it
On the app offer page, click Add app
To authorize the use of the app, click Install app in the Shopify dashboard
Once the app is installed, you can view and use it on the Apps page of your Shopify dashboard.
More information: Installing apps
After installation, the application on the left will appear in the store panel:
To configure the plug-in, we go to the InPost application. There you will see several tabs below telling you what they mean:
The changes made should be saved, by clicking the Zapisz Ustawienia at the bottom of the screen
After saving the settings, a confirmation message will appear.
Authorization (Login Details)
ID organizacji | Must be completed from Parcel Manager (My Account tab - API, format - 5 digits) |
Autoryzacja (Token API) | Allows you to configure access to the ShipX API (Production and Sandbox). Data like organization ID and token can be obtained from the Parcel Manager. We described it in the first part of this documentation Autoryzacja |
Autoryzacja (Token Geowidget) Shopify Plus | Allows you to add a Token to Geowidget (you need to generate a Geowiedget token for the map with InPost points to work properly) |
Tryb API | Sandbox/Produkcja |
Status wtyczki | Deactivating the plug-in will not affect the orders being processed. New customers will not be able to use the delivery methods defined in the settings. |
Tryb | You should select the plan you have in the store:
Standard: Does not display Geowidget map, no option to upload service logo
Metody dostawy | Allows you to configure delivery methods:
! It is important to set the weight for each product in the store
You can find a delivery implementation guide at:
In addition, for Weekend Parcel, please specify:
Szybkie Zwroty | Enables configuration of the Quick Returns service
* Fill in the abbreviated name of your account set up on the Quick Returns service * After adding the short name, a code will be generated. The code allows you to display the 'return' button in the skep customer panel. The code should be copied and added in the store template according to the instructions below.
1. Refer to the Shopify manual Edytowanie kodu szablonu · Centrum Pomocy Shopify From the Shopify admin panel, go to options: Online Store > Templates. 2. We make sure that our store uses the classic customer panel and that you have access to edit the template code.
3. Verify which of the following files you can edit in your store
Path for templates/customers/order.json 1. We find in the templates/customers/order.json file the name of the section that our template uses
2. In the above case, it is main-order, so the path to the section file is as follows: sections/main-order.liquid Edit the sections/main-order.liquid file by adding the embed code from the app under the order details table.
Path for templates/customers/order.liquid Edit the templates/customers/order.liquid file by adding the embed code from the app under the order details table.
Returns made through the form have 2 acceptance options:
Domyślna wartość ubezpieczenia | Default amount that will be displayed when creating InPost shipments (blank indicates 0) |
Ustawienia nadania |
Punkt odbioru | A place to define a parcel pick-up point when creating a drive-up order Points can be added, deleted and edited |
Nadawca | Specify the sender of the packages - all fields must be completed |
Disable products
The tab allows you to enable or disable the visibility of all InPost services in a given product.
Shipments - management
A place to manage orders and shipments. We can manage them in bulk or by going into individual orders.
There is a view of all the important information - shipment number, order number, status, price, service, method of shipment, phone number, recipient's email, whether the package was shipped and date.
Filtering shipments
List of shipments
In the list of shipments, columns are available:
Status — shipment status of a given order
Cena — total value of the order
Usługa — the selected delivery service
Sposób nadania — the selected shipping method
Nr tel. - details of the customer who placed the order
E-mail odbiorcy — data of the customer who placed the order data
Nadano — date of shipment
Utworzono — date of creation
Akcje -
Drukuj etykietę
The action allows you to generate labels in 3 formats PDF, A6 format / EPL / ZPL
The action is available after creating a shipment
Drukuj etykietę zwrotną
Action available only for courier services
Drukuj zlecenie odbioru
Option available after ordering a driveway
Zamów podjazd
This option allows, ordering a driveway for the entered parcel pick-up locations. It is required to select or define a pickup location
Option is available after parcel number is generated
Label generation
Generate labels in bulk via action buttons
Select specific shipments (which already have tracking numbers generated), select the three dots at the bottom in the black window that expand additional actions, and select Print labels - a window will appear with a choice of format.
Single label generation
In the shipments tab, select the Print Labels button where we can choose the label format:
Shipments - creating shipments
From the Application level in the Przesyłki tab
In the Przesyłki tab you will find all orders placed in the store for which the InPost delivery method has been selected
To create a shipment you need to:
From within a given order
InPost shipment can be created directly from the order level, to do this you need to:
Go to the order in question
Select ' More Actions' > 'Create InPost shipment' in the upper right corner
Admin will be transferred to the parcel creation panel in the Inpost app
Completing the consignment number in the order
The tracking number will automatically be added to the order in Shopify but two conditions must be met:
Creation of the shipment in the InPost app
In the order list, change the status to FULFILLED
Orders - courier driveway
Panel for viewing submitted driveway orders
Columns: shipment number, date of shipment, pickup points, status
You need to set the weight in each product to generate a shipment in the order:
A place with information about the documentation (above) and a contact form for additional questions
If you have any questions, please use the Integration Department's contact form, which is available here: https://inpost.pl/formularz-wsparcie
After entering the form, just select "Wsparcie Klienta” from the list, in the category select: Moduł InPost, and in the field "Proszę podać nazwę modułu” enter: Shopify