

Below is the documentation for InPost's proprietary application on the WIX platform. It contains information about the installation and configuration of the plugin.

Plugin: (22.02.2024)




  • New: Option to set a threshold amount per order from which the shipping cost will be free of charge


  • Release of plug-in in the WiX App Market


Production environment

You must have access credentials to connect to the ShipX API before installation:

  • Access Token (key)

  • ID organization


  • Access Token for Geowidget

Download a tutorial explaining how to quickly create access to the ShipX API and Geowidget on your own:


Test environment


Plugin installation

Log in to the administration panel of your store on the WIX platform.

Download the app → "InPost” from APP Market







After clicking Add to page, the application will show up on the quick access bar. In order for the application to start working you need to configure it beforehand. Below we describe how to do it.



Application configuration

Here you can fill in the API access data (Token, Organization ID), which can be generated yourself in the Manager Paczek under the "API" tab.

(Access to environments can be found at the beginning of this documentation)



Organization ID

should be completed from Manager Paczek (My Account tab - API, format - 5 digits)

Token API ShipX

should be completed from Manager Paczek (My Account - API tab)

Token Geowidget

should be completed from the Parcel Manager (My Account tab - API - Geowidget)

API Type / Plugin Status

Type API

production/sandbox - here you should choose depending on the data used from the Parcel Locker (production or sandbox)

Plugin status

plug on/off

Sender data

Sender data

should be supplemented with company data (important! sender's phone number must be completed in the format of 9 digits - without +48 and spaces)

Sending methods

Sending methods

set the default shipping point / default insurance value (this value will automatically assign to shipments) / default label format when generating the label

Pickup points

Pickup points

allows you to add/remove/edit Pickup Points where the courier will pick up shipments



Enable visibility of delivery methods

After installing the plugin and configuring the delivery methods, you need to enable the application in the WIX settings.

To do this, select:

SettingsShipping and Delivery→ Regions Shiping: Krajowa → Edit → Installed apps: InPost → turn on checkbox



Shipment numbers will automatically add to your order when you add the webhook address to Manager Paczek in advance

  • Manager Paczek → Moje konto → API → Ustawienia organizacji → Adres Webhook →

Sandbox: https://stage-api.inpo-wix.shop/shipx/webhook

Production: https://app.inpo-wix.shop/api/shipx/webhook

After adding them, the shipment number and status will update itself in the order and the customer will receive an email with the shipment of his order.




Creating a delivery method


Creation of a delivery method is possible in the tab Services

  1. Select Add service

  2. We select a service and configure it according to our needs


When choosing a service, we have the option to configure it

  • Sending method- method of shipment (Parcel/POP, Courier)

  • Package size - specify the dimensions or dimensions of the shipment (cm) with weight (kg)

  • Your service name - specify the name of the service in accordance with the Effective Delivery Implementation Guide (https://inpost.pl/sites/default/files/2023-07/Przewodnik-skutecznej-implementacji-dostaw_InPost-w-koszyku-e-commerce.pdf)

  • Price - own price for delivery service

  • Insurance - allows you to specify a default insurance value to be completed on shipments

  • Free shipping amount - allows you to specify free delivery on a specific basket value (to be indicated)

  • Position - indicates in what order the services will be displayed in the shopping cart

  • Service status - allows you to enable or disable visibility in the shopping cart







Display method in the shopping cart




Creating a shipment

It allows you to create shipments, generate labels or order a courier pick-up. In addition, we can filter shipments by parcel number, order number, phone number or by buyer's email.



To create a shipment, click Create Order you will be redirected to the order view

After verifying the data and clicking Create Order after a while the package will be created and the status will change from New to Created



Creating multiple shipments

Here you can also create 2 or more packages.

In the order where you have already created a parcel click Create order again. You can change the data on the method of shipment or the selected pickup point. A new item will be created in the shipment tab.



WIX Orders

Here's how the order looks like in WIX itself, placed using the InPost app.

On the order, you can see the selected delivery method along with the name of the Parcel Machine where the parcel is to be delivered.

The tracking number will appear in the place of Products to Ship and the status will update as the shipment status changes



Dispatch Order

The application provides the ability to order courier pickups and preview them.

Dispatch order generation

In the Shipments tab on the right we have action icons. We select Order pickup after clicking it, a place to select pickup points appears for us. We can create a new point or order a dispatch order of the selected one.



Dispatch order preview

Here there is a preview of the generated orders to pick up shipments that had courier pickup selected in the method of sending.

We have the date, shipment number, selected point and status of the order.





If you have any questions, please use the Integration Department's contact form, which is available here: https://inpost.pl/formularz-wsparcie  

 After entering the form, just select "Customer Support" from the list, in the category select: InPost module, and in the field "Please specify the name of the module" enter: WIX