Authorization / Query Collections
Production environment
Address of production environment
Access generation
Download a guide explaining how to quickly generate access to the ShipX API on your own, Instrukcja konfiguracji konta API
Test environment
Test environment address:
Address of the Parcel Manager test environment: InPost - Manager paczek
Access generation
InPost - Manager paczek > My Account > API tab.
To generate a Token and Organisation ID you need to complete all the details, including invoice details under My Account > Data. To create a parcel shipment you need funds on your account, you can top up your account virtually in the Payments tab.
Query collection and environment profiles
Below we share a sample collection and environment profiles for the Postman application. To run, download the files and import them.
Query collection |
Production environment |
Sandbox environment |
Request headers
The following headers can be specified when executing a request
Header | Description |
| Authorization header, where all authorization data should be sent. Details can be found in the Authorization chapter. |
| This header allows you to specify the client/platform name and/or other information related to it. |
| This header allows you to specify the client/platform number of the request. Its content does not affect the functioning of the API. |
| This header allows you to specify the name of the request. It is useful for debugging bugs and problems that may occur during API integration. Its application does not impact the functioning of the API. |
| This header allows you to change the editing of errors. Available values:
Response header
In response, the server returns the following header:
Header | Description |
| Request ID. It is useful for debugging bugs and problems that may occur during API integration. |
All requests which are sent to the server requires passing a valid access token, which belongs to the owner of the organization.
The access token should be provided in the header Authorization
The organization ID should be passed in Path Parameters:
GET /v1/organizations/:id
Request Example:
GET /v1/organizations/1 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"href": "",
"id": 34,
"owner_id": 1,
"tax_id": "3973902075",
"name": "Random org name39739020755741",
"created_at": "2016-10-04T10:36:49.631+02:00",
"updated_at": "2016-10-04T10:36:49.631+02:00",
"services": [
"address": {
"id": 808,
"line1": null,
"line2": null,
"street": "Ulica jakaś39739020755741",
"building_number": "Budynek39739020755741",
"city": "Szczecin39739020755741",
"post_code": "22-100",
"country_code": "PL"
} |
Collection attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
| String | Absolute URL address to the collection. |
| Integer | A total number of items in the collection. |
| Integer | The current collection results page. |
| Integer | A number of results (per page) returned to the response. |
| Array | Elements of the collection. |
Collection example in JSON:
"href": "",
"count": 1024,
"page": 10,
"per_page": 100,
"items": [
"href": "",
"id": "KRA010",
... other resource's params ...
} |
Collections support paging (unless stated otherwise in the resource-specific documentation).
Scrolling through the pages of the collection is done by passing query parameters (page) and/or (page_page) in the request. Request example:
GET /v1/points?page=10 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json |
Errors example
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json
"status": 400,
"error": "invalid_parameter",
"description": "Passed unsupported value (value of the parameter here) to parameter (parameter name)",
"details": null
} |
List of error keys that may occur:
Key | Description |
| The resource you are looking for was not found. |
| Access to the specified resource is denied. |
| An invalid value was passed for a parameter in the URI. Details are available under the description key of the error response. |
| Validation error. The data sent in the payload of the POST request is incorrect. Details of the error are in the response under the details key. |
| The offer cannot be purchased, because its validity has expired. |
Error example
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json
"status": 400,
"error": "validation_failed",
"description": "Some of data sent in payload are invalid. Check details for more information.",
"details": {
"email": ["invalid"]
} |
The details object contains a collection in which the keys correspond to the names of parameters sent in the payload of the request, while the values are an array with keys specifying which validation errors occurred for a given parameter.
Possible validation errors:
Validation error | Description |
| The value for the specified parameter is required. |
| The number of characters is too small. Check the resource documentation for details. |
| The number of characters is too large. Check the resource documentation for details. |
| The entered value should be a number. |
| The entered value should be an integer number. |
| The entered value is invalid. Check the resource documentation for details. |