Display of collection points

Display of collection points

In this article you will find information on how to properly present the delivery points to: Parcel Locker, Parcel Locker Appkomat, ParcelPoint.

In order to allow the customer to select a parcel locker correctly and to download the data which will later be used to create the parcel, two solutions can be used:

  • Geowidget

  • Points resource in the ShipX API

The recommended solution is to use Geowidget. In case the Customer does not have the possibility to use this functionality, it is acceptable to use a list of points, a proprietary Geowidget made from the Points resource in the ShipX API.


Geowidget v5 is a locator and point selector designed by InPost.

Its main tasks are:

  • To show a map of points with several types (for example parcel lockers);

  • Providing information about these points and enabling integration with external customer systems.


GEOv5 is a widget-type software, it means that whole code and processing is held on Integer servers, external clients only attach link to this code and specify configuration that will be used on theirs systems.

Possible types of points





Type of displayed points




Type of displayed points

InPost Paczkomat® 24/7



Parcel Locker, ParcelPoint

InPost Paczkomat® 24/7 COD



Parcel Locker, ParcelPoint

InPost Paczkomat® 24/7 Weekend shipments



Parcel lockers available 24/7

Showing sending points



Parcel Locker, ParcelPoint

Detailed documentation can be found at Geowidget v5 ENG (PL Market)

Examples of integration

Production environment: New GeowidgetSdk example

Test environment: New GeowidgetSdk example

Geowidget examples

Production environment: GeowidgetSdk
Test environment: GeowidgetSdk




The Points resource is available in the ShipX API.  This resource is aimed at Customers who want to create their version of Geowidget on the basis of the API, to propose lists with collection points, when they do not have the technical possibility to use InPost Geowidget.


This option allows you to:

  • Retrieve information about the locations where InPost services are available. The points can be: self-service machines (parcel locker) or parcel points;

  • Downloading of parcel locker on the basis of coordinates - it is also possible to specify the maximum distance of points from a relative point and to plot these coordinates on a Google map.

In practice, when the user enters e.g. the name of the town or the postal code, Points searches for Parcel Post Offices assigned to it, returns their coordinates and then, based on these coordinates, you can place them on a map, e.g. Google.


Production environment:


Sandbox environment:

Detailed documentation can be found at[1.23.0] Pointsarchived


Dedicated configurations for shopping cart delivery options

InPost Paczkomat® 24/7


Configuration to download the full list of points

Parameters to be used by the client to filter the downloaded list of points

Type of presented points

InPost Paczkomat® 24/7



Parcel Locker, ParcelPoint,

InPost Paczkomat® 24/7 COD


Parcel Locker, ParcelPoint,

InPost Paczkomat® 24/7 Weekend shipments


Parcel lockers available 24/7

Showing sending points



Parcel Locker, ParcelPoint

Best Practices

The below is a list of parameters by which to include the information in the point details.

The below information was retrieved using a query:

curl -X GET https://api-shipx-pl.easypack24.net/v1/points?name=WAW94A -H 'Content-Type: application/json'


Paczkomat® InPost

Displayed fields

Parameters in API


If "partner_id":0 set "Paczkomat®"

Parcel Locker Name

"name": "WAW94A"

Address data

"address": {
         "line1": "Czerska 8/10",
    "line2": "00-732 Warszawa"

Additional description

"location_description": "Przy biurowcu Agory"

Opening hours

"opening_hours": "24/7"


Dedicated pins are located at the bottom of the article.


Displayed fields

Parameters in API


If "partner_id": 33 set "PaczkoPunkt"

Name of PaczkoPunkt

"name": "POP-WAW206"

Address data

 "address": {
         "line1": "Kierbedzia 8 LOK. U301",
         "line2": "00-728 Warszawa"

Additional description

"location_description": "EKOPARTY"

Opening hours

"opening_hours": "PN-PT 10-18 SB 10-14"


Dedicated pins are located at the bottom of the article.


Paczkomat® Appkomat

For a new type of parcel locker, display in the window, the additional information below:

Displayed fields

Parameters in API

Ważne! Swoją paczkę odbierzesz wygodniej z aplikacją InPost

If "physical_type_mapped": "006" display information from the field "physical_type_description"



Pins, loga

Logo to download: Pliki do pobrania | InPost


Pins to download

Name, extension

Pins to download

Name, extension

Parcel locker Geo.png

Parcel locker max.png

Parcel locker min.png

ParcelPoint Geo.png

ParcelPoint max.png

ParcelPoint min.png


Parcel locker max.pdf

Parcel locker min.pdf

ParcelPoint max.pdf


ParcelPoint min.pdf

Parcel locker max.svg

Parcel locker min.svg

ParcelPoint max.svg

ParcelPoint min.svg

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