Geowidget v5 ENG (PL Market)

Geowidget v5 ENG (PL Market)

Geowidget v5 is a locator and point selector designed by InPost.

Its key functions are:

  • Displaying a map with points of different types (e.g. parcel lockers, parcel points)

  • Providing information about these points and enabling integration with external systems of the clients

This is a widget type software. This means that all the code and processing takes place on InPost servers. External clients only attach a link to this code and specify the configuration that will be used in their systems.


Production Environment

Production environment address: https://geowidget.inpost.pl


Generating access

  1. Go to the Parcel Manager website https://manager.paczkomaty.pl

  2. In the login window, enter your login and click: Login

  3. After logging in go to My Account tab

  4. In the Data tab check if all the company data is correctly filled in

Remember, in order to generate access to API, both company address and invoice data have to be filled in.

5. After verification go to the new tab API

6. To generate a new access to Geowidget expand the Geowidget tab and click Generate


Test Environment


Test environment address: https://sandbox-easy-geowidget-sdk.easypack24.net


Generating access

  1. Go to the Parcel Manager website https://sandbox-manager.paczkomaty.pl

  2. In the login window, enter your login and click: Login

  3. After logging in go to My Account tab

  4. In the Data tab check if all the company data is correctly filled in

Remember, in order to generate access to API, both company address and invoice data have to be filled in.

5. After verification go to the new tab API

6. To generate a new access to Geowidget expand the Geowidget tab and click Generate

For a sandbox environment when using localhost, do not indicate the domain when generating the token.



Basic integration

To use the new version of the geowidget, add the following lines to the page headers.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://geowidget.inpost.pl/inpost-geowidget.css"/> <script src='https://geowidget.inpost.pl/inpost-geowidget.js' defer></script> <script> function afterPointSelected(point) { alert('Selected point: ' + point.name); } </script>


And then embed the custom element in the selected place.

<inpost-geowidget token='token-for-geo' language='pl' config='parcelcollect'></inpost-geowidget>

The parameters are described here


Complete integration

To use the new version of the geowidget, add the following lines to the page headers.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://geowidget.inpost.pl/inpost-geowidget.css"/> <script src='https://geowidget.inpost.pl/inpost-geowidget.js' defer></script> <script> document.addEventListener('onpointselect', (event) => alert(event.details.name)); </script>

And then embed the custom element in the selected place

<inpost-geowidget onpoint="onpointselect" token='token-for-geo' language='pl' config='parcelcollect'></inpost-geowidget>

The parameters are described here


Example how to call api method

<inpost-geowidget id="geowidget" onpoint="handlePointSelection" token='myTokenHere' language='pl' config='parcelCollect'></inpost-geowidget> <script> const geowidget = document.getElementById('geowidget'); // Listener to Geowidget init event geowidget.addEventListener('inpost.geowidget.init', (event) => { // Reference to api object const api = event.detail.api; // Call api method. Check ApiInterface for more details. api.changePosition({ longitude: 20.318968, latitude: 49.731131 }, 16); }); </script>


In website https://www.npmjs.com/package/inpost-geowidget-angular package includes simple Angular Component for Inpost Geowidget v5.


All API method is described on https://geowidget.inpost.pl/docs/interfaces/ApiInterface.html

Description of each parameter:






The parameter takes the function / name to be performed after selecting a point on the map.


Parameter to pass the PUBLIC token generated in the package manager application:


A parameter that allows to define the default language of the widget - optional.
Available options:




If the user has already used the new version of the geo widget - the interface will be displayed in the language he used previously. (pl, en and uk).


A parameter that defines which functions / types are to have the points displayed on the map (values are described in the table below).

Configuration options:




Type of points presented




Type of points presented

Display collection points for prepaid orders



Parcel Locker, ParcelPoint,

Display collection points for cash on delivery orders



Parcel Locker, ParcelPoint

Display collection points for Weekend shipments



Parcel lockers and ParcePoints available 24/7

Showing sending points



Parcel Locker, ParcelPoint



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