Creating a shipment in the simplified mode

Creating a shipment in the simplified mode

Shipment creation in simplified mode 


In order to create a shipment within an organization the user has to be its member.


Warning! Debit clients!

After creating a shipment we do not return prices for debit clients. The rate attribute is null


Warning! Asynchronous action.

After creating a shipment an asynchronous offer, manifestation and offer purchase process will be started.


POST /v1/organizations/:organization_id/shipments


All the following attributes should be included in the  shipment object.











Receiver details

The attribute is required.

  • In case of a courier service offer (inpost_courier_c2c included), at least receiver.phone_number, receiver.company_name and/or receiver.first_name and receiver.last_name and address  object should be provided

  • In case of parcel locker service offer receiver.phone_number and receiver.email  should be provided

  • Providing all the data will allow both types of offers to be presented

  • In case of is_return = true, Attribute receiver is not required



Sender details.

The attribute is optional.

  • If no data is provided, the organization data for which the shipment is created will be used by default



Details of parcels in the shipment.

The attribute is required.

  • Minimum length - 1, maximum length - 1000



Additional shipment attributes, e.g.

"custom_attributes": {
"target_point": "KRA010"

The attribute is optional.

  • The list of available custom attributes has been described in Shipment.

  • Specifying a target point is required in case of a parcel locker service.



Cash collection amount.

The attribute is optional.

  • Attribute validation and requirement is defined at the time of providing a service.



Shipment insurance amount.

The attribute is required for the following services:
inpost_courier_standard, inpost_courier_express_1000, inpost_courier_express_1200, inpost_courier_express_1700, inpost_courier_palette, inpost_letter_allegro, inpost_courier_allegro, inpost_courier_c2c when passing the COD attribute.

  • Attribute validation and requirement is defined at the time of providing a service.



Additional shipment description, e.g. order number.

The attribute is optional.

  • Minimum length - 3, maximum length - 100, can be empty.



Determines whether the shipment is a return shipment.

The attribute is optional.

  • Available values (true, false)

  • Can be empty.

  • If true, marks the shipment as a return shipment. In this case the recipient and sender details will be swapped automatically.



Selected service.

Available services: Shipment sizes and services

The attribute is required.



Additional services.

Available additional services: smsemailsaturday. Shipment sizes and services

The attribute is optional.

  • Attribute validated once value is provided.

  • When the additional_services  attribute is provided, the system checks the service  attribute provision, if the service  attribute is not provided or the additional_services  attribute does not fit in the scope of the service  provided, the user will get an error.



ID of the broker generating shipments within a different organization.

The attribute is optional.



Setting the parameter to true results in the offer being selected for the given service but not being paid for. The shipment has to be paid for before the offer expiry. Paying for shipment

The attribute is optional.

  • Default false 



Name of cost center.

The attribute is optional.

  • Maximum length - 255

  • If the attribute is specified, we verify whether it belongs to the organization which the request is made from

  • Can be empty

The cost center must first be added to the organization in order to assign it to the shipment.



Any comment

The attribute is optional.

  • Maximum length - 100

  • Minimum lenght - 3

  • Can be empty



Example requests

Single parcel for courier delivery

curl --location 'https://api-shipx-pl.easypack24.net/v1/organizations/1/shipments' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5c...' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "sender": { "company_name": "Company_name", "first_name": "first_name", "last_name": "last_name", "email": "test@grupainteger.pl", "phone": "321321321", "address": { "street": "Czerniakowska", "building_number": "87A", "city": "Warszawa", "post_code": "00-718", "country_code": "PL" } }, "receiver": { "company_name": "Company name", "first_name": "Jan", "last_name": "Kowalski", "email": "receiver@example.com", "phone": "888000000", "address": { "street": "Cybernetyki", "building_number": "10", "city": "Warszawa", "post_code": "02-677", "country_code": "PL" } }, "parcels": [ { "id": "small package", "dimensions": { "length": "80", "width": "360", "height": "640", "unit": "mm" }, "weight": { "amount": "25", "unit": "kg" }, "is_non_standard": false } ], "insurance": { "amount": 25, "currency": "PLN" }, "cod": { "amount": 12.50, "currency": "PLN" }, "service": "inpost_courier_standard", "additional_services": [ "email", "sms" ], "reference": "Test", "comments": "dowolny komentarz" }'


HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED Content-Type: application/json { "href": "https://api-shipx-pl.easypack24.net/v1/shipments/1234", "id": 1234, "status": "created", "tracking_number": null, "return_tracking_number": null, "service": "inpost_courier_standard", "reference": "Test", "is_return": false, "application_id": 25, "created_by_id": null, "external_customer_id": null, "sending_method": null, "end_of_week_collection": false, "comments": "dowolny komentarz", "mpk": null, "additional_services": [ "email", "sms" ], "custom_attributes": {}, "cod": { "amount": 12.5, "currency": "PLN" }, "insurance": { "amount": 25.0, "currency": "PLN" }, "sender": { "id": 2798153592, "name": null, "company_name": "Company_name", "first_name": "first_name", "last_name": "last_name", "email": "test@grupainteger.pl", "phone": "321321321", "address": { "id": 1970664224, "street": "Czerniakowska", "building_number": "87A", "line1": null, "line2": null, "city": "Warszawa", "post_code": "00-718", "country_code": "PL" } }, "receiver": { "id": 2798153591, "name": null, "company_name": "Company name", "first_name": "Jan", "last_name": "Kowalski", "email": "receiver@example.com", "phone": "888000000", "address": { "id": 1970664223, "street": "Cybernetyki", "building_number": "10", "line1": null, "line2": null, "city": "Warszawa", "post_code": "02-677", "country_code": "PL" } }, "selected_offer": null, "offers": [], "transactions": [], "parcels": [ { "id": 1404043193, "identify_number": "small package", "tracking_number": null, "is_non_standard": false, "template": null, "dimensions": { "length": 80.0, "width": 360.0, "height": 640.0, "unit": "mm" }, "weight": { "amount": 25.0, "unit": "kg" } } ], "created_at": "2023-12-18T23:52:42.375+01:00", "updated_at": "2023-12-18T23:52:42.375+01:00" }


Query with multiple packages (can only be created for inpost_courier)


curl --location 'https://api-shipx-pl.easypack24.net/v1/organizations/115/shipments' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI...' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "sender": { "company_name": "Company_name", "first_name": "first_name", "last_name": "last_name", "email": "test@grupainteger.pl", "phone": "321321321", "address": { "street": "Czerniakowska", "building_number": "87A", "city": "Warszawa", "post_code": "00-718", "country_code": "PL" } }, "receiver": { "company_name": "Company name", "first_name": "Jan", "last_name": "Kowalski", "email": "receiver@example.com", "phone": "888000000", "address": { "street": "Cybernetyki", "building_number": "10", "city": "Warszawa", "post_code": "02-677", "country_code": "PL" } }, "parcels": [ { "id": "small package", "dimensions": { "length": "80", "width": "360", "height": "640", "unit": "mm" }, "weight": { "amount": "25", "unit": "kg" }, "is_non_standard": true }, { "id": "big package", "dimensions": { "length": "80", "width": "360", "height": "640", "unit": "mm" }, "weight": { "amount": "25", "unit": "kg" }, "is_non_standard": true } ], "insurance": { "amount": 25, "currency": "PLN" }, "cod": { "amount": 12.50, "currency": "PLN" }, "service": "inpost_courier_standard", "additional_services": ["email", "sms"], "reference": "Test", "comments": "dowolny komentarz" }'


HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "href": "https://api-shipx-pl.easypack24.net/v1/shipments/12345", "id": 12345, "status": "created", "tracking_number": null, "return_tracking_number": null, "service": "inpost_courier_standard", "reference": "Test", "is_return": false, "application_id": 25, "created_by_id": null, "external_customer_id": null, "sending_method": null, "end_of_week_collection": false, "comments": "dowolny komentarz", "mpk": null, "additional_services": [ "email", "sms" ], "custom_attributes": {}, "cod": { "amount": 12.5, "currency": "PLN" }, "insurance": { "amount": 25.0, "currency": "PLN" }, "sender": { "id": 2798157080, "name": null, "company_name": "Company_name", "first_name": "first_name", "last_name": "last_name", "email": "test@grupainteger.pl", "phone": "321321321", "address": { "id": 1970666604, "street": "Czerniakowska", "building_number": "87A", "line1": null, "line2": null, "city": "Warszawa", "post_code": "00-718", "country_code": "PL" } }, "receiver": { "id": 2798157079, "name": null, "company_name": "Company name", "first_name": "Jan", "last_name": "Kowalski", "email": "receiver@example.com", "phone": "888000000", "address": { "id": 1970666603, "street": "Cybernetyki", "building_number": "10", "line1": null, "line2": null, "city": "Warszawa", "post_code": "02-677", "country_code": "PL" } }, "selected_offer": null, "offers": [], "transactions": [], "parcels": [ { "id": 1404044945, "identify_number": "small package", "tracking_number": null, "is_non_standard": true, "template": null, "dimensions": { "length": 80.0, "width": 360.0, "height": 640.0, "unit": "mm" }, "weight": { "amount": 25.0, "unit": "kg" } }, { "id": 1404044946, "identify_number": "big package", "tracking_number": null, "is_non_standard": true, "template": null, "dimensions": { "length": 80.0, "width": 360.0, "height": 640.0, "unit": "mm" }, "weight": { "amount": 25.0, "unit": "kg" } } ], "created_at": "2023-12-18T23:55:30.620+01:00", "updated_at": "2023-12-18T23:55:30.620+01:00" }


Courier service - InPost Courier C2C (service for retail customer - prepaid)

curl --location 'https://api-shipx-pl.easypack24.net/v1/organizations/1/shipments' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAiSldUIiwia2lkIiA6ICJzQlp...' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "sender": { "company_name": "Company_name", "first_name": "first_name", "last_name": "last_name", "email": "test@grupainteger.pl", "phone": "321321321", "address": { "street": "Czerniakowska", "building_number": "87A", "city": "Warszawa", "post_code": "00-718", "country_code": "PL" } }, "receiver": { "company_name": "Company name", "first_name": "Jan", "last_name": "Kowalski", "email": "receiver@example.com", "phone": "888000000", "address": { "street": "Cybernetyki", "building_number": "10", "city": "Warszawa", "post_code": "02-677", "country_code": "PL" } }, "parcels": { "template": "small" }, "insurance": { "amount": 25, "currency": "PLN" }, "cod": { "amount": 12.50, "currency": "PLN" }, "custom_attributes": { "sending_method": "parcel_locker", "dropoff_point": "BTO02M" }, "service": "inpost_courier_c2c", "reference": "Test" }'


HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "href": "https://api-shipx-pl.easypack24.net/v1/shipments/12345", "id": 12345, "status": "created", "tracking_number": null, "return_tracking_number": null, "service": "inpost_courier_c2c", "reference": "Test", "is_return": false, "application_id": 25, "created_by_id": null, "external_customer_id": null, "sending_method": "parcel_locker", "end_of_week_collection": false, "comments": null, "mpk": null, "additional_services": [], "custom_attributes": { "dropoff_point": "BTO02M", "sending_method": "parcel_locker" }, "cod": { "amount": 12.5, "currency": "PLN" }, "insurance": { "amount": 25.0, "currency": "PLN" }, "sender": { "id": 2798158940, "name": null, "company_name": "Company_name", "first_name": "first_name", "last_name": "last_name", "email": "test@grupainteger.pl", "phone": "321321321", "address": { "id": 1970667852, "street": "Czerniakowska", "building_number": "87A", "line1": null, "line2": null, "city": "Warszawa", "post_code": "00-718", "country_code": "PL" } }, "receiver": { "id": 2798158939, "name": null, "company_name": "Company name", "first_name": "Jan", "last_name": "Kowalski", "email": "receiver@example.com", "phone": "888000000", "address": { "id": 1970667851, "street": "Cybernetyki", "building_number": "10", "line1": null, "line2": null, "city": "Warszawa", "post_code": "02-677", "country_code": "PL" } }, "selected_offer": null, "offers": [], "transactions": [], "parcels": [ { "id": 1404045876, "identify_number": null, "tracking_number": null, "is_non_standard": false, "template": "small", "dimensions": { "length": 380.0, "width": 640.0, "height": 80.0, "unit": "mm" }, "weight": { "amount": 25.0, "unit": "kg" } } ], "created_at": "2023-12-18T23:57:12.508+01:00", "updated_at": "2023-12-18T23:57:12.508+01:00" }


Courier service Standard pallet

curl --location 'https://api-shipx-pl.easypack24.net/v1/organizations/1/shipments' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI...' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "sender": { "company_name": "Company_name", "first_name": "first_name", "last_name": "last_name", "email": "test@grupainteger.pl", "phone": "321321321", "address": { "street": "Czerniakowska", "building_number": "87A", "city": "Warszawa", "post_code": "00-718", "country_code": "PL" } }, "receiver": { "company_name": "Company name", "first_name": "Jan", "last_name": "Kowalski", "email": "receiver@example.com", "phone": "888000000", "address": { "street": "Cybernetyki", "building_number": "10", "city": "Warszawa", "post_code": "02-677", "country_code": "PL" } }, "parcels": { "dimensions": { "length": "800", "width": "800", "height": "800", "unit": "mm" }, "weight": { "amount": "50.1", "unit": "kg" } }, "service": "inpost_courier_palette", "additional_services": ["email", "sms"], "reference": "Test", "comments": "dowolny komentarz" }'


HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "href": "https://api-shipx-pl.easypack24.net/v1/shipments/12345", "id": 12345, "status": "created", "tracking_number": null, "return_tracking_number": null, "service": "inpost_courier_palette", "reference": "Test", "is_return": false, "application_id": 25, "created_by_id": null, "external_customer_id": null, "sending_method": null, "end_of_week_collection": false, "comments": "dowolny komentarz", "mpk": null, "additional_services": [ "email", "sms" ], "custom_attributes": {}, "cod": { "amount": null, "currency": null }, "insurance": { "amount": null, "currency": null }, "sender": { "id": 2798161130, "name": null, "company_name": "Company_name", "first_name": "first_name", "last_name": "last_name", "email": "test@grupainteger.pl", "phone": "321321321", "address": { "id": 1970669350, "street": "Czerniakowska", "building_number": "87A", "line1": null, "line2": null, "city": "Warszawa", "post_code": "00-718", "country_code": "PL" } }, "receiver": { "id": 2798161129, "name": null, "company_name": "Company name", "first_name": "Jan", "last_name": "Kowalski", "email": "receiver@example.com", "phone": "888000000", "address": { "id": 1970669349, "street": "Cybernetyki", "building_number": "10", "line1": null, "line2": null, "city": "Warszawa", "post_code": "02-677", "country_code": "PL" } }, "selected_offer": null, "offers": [], "transactions": [], "parcels": [ { "id": 1404046973, "identify_number": null, "tracking_number": null, "is_non_standard": false, "template": null, "dimensions": { "length": 800.0, "width": 800.0, "height": 800.0, "unit": "mm" }, "weight": { "amount": 50.0, "unit": "kg" } } ], "created_at": "2023-12-18T23:59:46.509+01:00", "updated_at": "2023-12-18T23:59:46.509+01:00" }


Parcel locker standard

curl --location 'https://api-shipx-pl.easypack24.net/v1/organizations/1/shipments' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI...' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "sender": { "company_name": "Company_name", "first_name": "first_name", "last_name": "last_name", "email": "test@grupainteger.pl", "phone": "321321321", "address": { "street": "Czerniakowska", "building_number": "87A", "city": "Warszawa", "post_code": "00-718", "country_code": "PL" } }, "receiver": { "company_name": "Company name", "first_name": "Jan", "last_name": "Kowalski", "email": "test@inpost.pl", "phone": "111222333" }, "parcels": { "template": "small" }, "insurance": { "amount": 25, "currency": "PLN" }, "cod": { "amount": 12.50, "currency": "PLN" }, "custom_attributes": { "sending_method": "dispatch_order", "target_point": "BTO02M" }, "service": "inpost_locker_standard", "reference": "Test" }'


HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "href": "https://api-shipx-pl.easypack24.net/v1/shipments/12345", "id": 12345, "status": "created", "tracking_number": null, "return_tracking_number": null, "service": "inpost_locker_standard", "reference": "Test", "is_return": false, "application_id": 25, "created_by_id": null, "external_customer_id": null, "sending_method": "dispatch_order", "end_of_week_collection": false, "comments": null, "mpk": null, "additional_services": [], "custom_attributes": { "target_point": "BTO02M", "sending_method": "dispatch_order" }, "cod": { "amount": 12.5, "currency": "PLN" }, "insurance": { "amount": 25.0, "currency": "PLN" }, "sender": { "id": 2798165704, "name": null, "company_name": "Company_name", "first_name": "first_name", "last_name": "last_name", "email": "test@grupainteger.pl", "phone": "321321321", "address": { "id": 1970672593, "street": "Czerniakowska", "building_number": "87A", "line1": null, "line2": null, "city": "Warszawa", "post_code": "00-718", "country_code": "PL" } }, "receiver": { "id": 2798165703, "name": null, "company_name": "Company name", "first_name": "Jan", "last_name": "Kowalski", "email": "test@inpost.pl", "phone": "111222333", "address": null }, "selected_offer": null, "offers": [], "transactions": [], "parcels": [ { "id": 1404049260, "identify_number": null, "tracking_number": null, "is_non_standard": false, "template": "small", "dimensions": { "length": 380.0, "width": 640.0, "height": 80.0, "unit": "mm" }, "weight": { "amount": 25.0, "unit": "kg" } } ], "created_at": "2023-12-19T00:02:05.991+01:00", "updated_at": "2023-12-19T00:02:05.991+01:00" }


Parcel locker - Pass-Thru

curl --location 'https://api-shipx-pl.easypack24.net/v1/organizations/1/shipments' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI...' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "sender": { "company_name": "Company_name", "first_name": "first_name", "last_name": "last_name", "email": "test@grupainteger.pl", "phone": "321321321", "address": { "street": "Czerniakowska", "building_number": "87A", "city": "Warszawa", "post_code": "00-718", "country_code": "PL" } }, "receiver": { "company_name": "Company name", "first_name": "Jan", "last_name": "Kowalski", "email": "test@inpost.pl", "phone": "111222333" }, "parcels": { "template": "large" }, "insurance": { "amount": 25, "currency": "PLN" }, "cod": { "amount": 12.50, "currency": "PLN" }, "custom_attributes": { "sending_method": "parcel_locker", "target_point": "BTO02M", "dropoff_point": "BTO02M" }, "service": "inpost_locker_pass_thru", "reference": "Test" }'


HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "href": "https://api-shipx-pl.easypack24.net/v1/shipments/1399066065", "id": 1399066065, "status": "created", "tracking_number": null, "return_tracking_number": null, "service": "inpost_locker_pass_thru", "reference": "Test", "is_return": false, "application_id": 25, "created_by_id": null, "external_customer_id": null, "sending_method": "parcel_locker", "end_of_week_collection": false, "comments": null, "mpk": null, "additional_services": [], "custom_attributes": { "target_point": "BTO02M", "dropoff_point": "BTO02M", "sending_method": "parcel_locker" }, "cod": { "amount": 12.5, "currency": "PLN" }, "insurance": { "amount": 25.0, "currency": "PLN" }, "sender": { "id": 2798170636, "name": null, "company_name": "Company_name", "first_name": "first_name", "last_name": "last_name", "email": "test@grupainteger.pl", "phone": "321321321", "address": { "id": 1970675960, "street": "Czerniakowska", "building_number": "87A", "line1": null, "line2": null, "city": "Warszawa", "post_code": "00-718", "country_code": "PL" } }, "receiver": { "id": 2798170635, "name": null, "company_name": "Company name", "first_name": "Jan", "last_name": "Kowalski", "email": "test@inpost.pl", "phone": "111222333", "address": null }, "selected_offer": null, "offers": [], "transactions": [], "parcels": [ { "id": 1404051726, "identify_number": null, "tracking_number": null, "is_non_standard": false, "template": "large", "dimensions": { "length": 380.0, "width": 640.0, "height": 410.0, "unit": "mm" }, "weight": { "amount": 25.0, "unit": "kg" } } ], "created_at": "2023-12-19T00:03:52.099+01:00", "updated_at": "2023-12-19T00:03:52.099+01:00" }


Shipment Allegro Paczkomat® 24/7 InPost

curl --location 'https://api-shipx-pl.easypack24.net/v1/organizations/1/shipments' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI...' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "sender": { "company_name": "Company_name", "first_name": "first_name", "last_name": "last_name", "email": "test@grupainteger.pl", "phone": "321321321", "address": { "street": "Czerniakowska", "building_number": "87A", "city": "Warszawa", "post_code": "00-718", "country_code": "PL" } }, "receiver": { "company_name": "Company name", "first_name": "Jan", "last_name": "Kowalski", "email": "123abc+123abc@user.allegrogroup.pl", "phone": "111222333" }, "parcels": { "template": "small" }, "custom_attributes": { "target_point": "BTO02M", "sending_method": "dispatch_order" }, "service": "inpost_locker_allegro", "reference": "Test" }'


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Shipment Allegro miniKurier24 InPost

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Shipment Allegro Kurier24 InPost

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Error information

Errors that may appear when creating a shipment (the following errors are returned as a response to the shipment creation request, not via webhooks):

  • validation_failed - request parameters are incorrect. Details are available in the details,

  • resource_not_found - Organization for which the shipments creation was requested either doesn't exist or the user has no access to it.

  • no_carriers - In case the organization has no carriers contracted,

  • carrier_unavailable - In case the organization has no carriers contracted providing the requested service



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