InPost Pay (Basket_App)
InPost Pay (Basket App) - this is a module which provides access to the API, which makes it possible to exchange information regarding the basket and the processing of the orders. This section contains any information regarding the API methods made available by InPost used to communicate between the Merchant and InPost Pay.
On this page:
InPost Pay API
Production environment
Sandbox environment
Test environment address:
List of endpoints
The table below presents a list of endpoints issued by the InPost Pay app, used for communicating between the Merchant and the InPost Pay app.
Widget 2.0 - the column contains a list of methods required to implement Widget 2.0 (Widget 2.0 [ENG])
Widget 1.0 - the column contains a list of methods required to implement Widget 1.0 (Widget 1.0 (old version) [ENG]), which is replaced by Widget 2.0. Recommended implementation is Widget 2.0 (Widget 2.0 [ENG]).
| Method | Description | Widget 2.0 | Widget 1.0 |
Browser | The method removes the browser assigned or removes a phone number from the browser assigned. |
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Basket |