Returns and transactions

In this chapter, you will learn how to handle transaction returns, and how to use the Merchant's Portal.


Transaction returns may be ordered by the Merchant through the API, to do this prepare the handling of the methods described in Returns and Transactions - API. The second method to perform a return is ordering through the Merchant's Portal manually.

The functionality of making returns is not available in the hours between 00:00 a.m. - 06:00 a.m. due to the settlement /payment process being performed on the Merchant's account at the time.

Returns and Transactions - API

The Merchant API app which is part of the InPost Pay system provides the following services:

  • GET /v1/izi/transaction Makes it possible to download the list of transactions for an authorized Merchant. A full description of the fields related to
    the transactions and filters by means of which the result being returned may be limited, is below.

  • POST /v1/izi/transaction/{transaction_id}/refund Makes it possible to order a full or partial return for a given transaction,
    performed in one of an authorized Merchant's stores. In the case of this service, an additional verification of the order is being performed
    by verifying the signature of the message.

To generate the signature, use the secret. In order to obtain it, it could be generated independently on the website, or contact the support service available through

This is not the same client_secret used to receive access_token. A full description of how to generate a message signature correctly is below.

List of methods:


Authentication is required, and it is performed as in the case of the integration with InPost Pay (Basket App). Download access_token using
the client_id and the client_secret held, and then transfer it as a Bearer Token in the Authorization header.

Environments available:


REST API Specification





The Merchant's Panel

The Merchant's Portal is a portal which makes it possible to:

  • View the details of particular transactions

  • Make returns

  • Browse settlements

  • View documents signed.

 At the very bottom of the page there are manuals for using the Merchant's Portal.

The link to the Merchant's Panel (returns and transactions):

The link to the administration panel (assigning rights):

The Merchant's Panel Operating Manual

  • User Manual

  • Example settlement report